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  ユーラシアを歩く会   紹介   2004/02/20
Introduction our Alumni-Group
Written on 16/07/1996
            The Trans-Eurasia Walking Journey Programe
            〜 From the West to the FarEast 〜   August 1996

To whom it may concern:

The alumni association of the Tokyo Metropolitan University's Wandervogel Club (TMUVW) was formed in the early 50s as a group for conducting in Japan the Wandervogel activities begun in Germany.
Since then, the club has been continually active without interruption until the present. In that time, the group has become very familiar with the natural environment of Japan. It has visited regions throughout the country to make friends with the local inhabitants. In the latter half of the 70s, some of the club's alumni went on an expedition to the mountains of Afghanistan.
As a way to develop these activities further, we have proposed a crossing of the Eurasian land mass on foot. The journey would start in Western Europe at London, and pass through Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and China before reaching the Far East. We have decided to work to make our dream a reality.

This is an ambitious attempt, and there are few examples of walking journeys of this distance. Our plan is to experience with our companions the unity of the continuous Eurasian land mass to be able to declare our conviction that the earth is unified.
The views of modern Japanese culture on nature and humankind have been influenced by many regions, including Western Europe, Central Asia, and East Asia.

We hope this plan will enable us to come in direct contact with the land of Eurasia with our own two feet, and develop friendships with the people living there. We hope to establish symbiotic relationships with the natural environment, people, and culture of this huge land mass.
We believe this plan will offer us a unique opportunity to reflect modestly on our daily lives. Finally, we also hope to work in our small way to further the understanding between the countries of this region and Japan.

Therefore, we would greatly appreciate your understanding and support for our endeavor.

The 10-year period from September. 1996 to 2005

<COUNTRIES to be Visited>

Great Britain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, Korea, etc.

Ichiro Fujita 1st Representative,

Syotaro Ishizuka 2nd Representative,

Toshkuni Kaino present Representative,

, Trans-Eurasia Walking Journey Program, TMUWV Alumni Group.